Marketing Partnership Program |
Generate extra revenue from your own way of marketing by joining The Merchant Solutions unbeatable marketing partner program. Getting started is easy and profitable. We can even supply you with marketing material and anything else you need to get you started.
Referral Revenue Potential
You will receive up to $200 for every new account.
Unlimited Revenue Potential
There is no limit to how many referrals you can send to us. This means there is no cap to how much revenue you can earn.
No Risk. No Investment.
There is neither risk nor investment required to become a marketing partner of The Merchant Solutions.
As You Wish
You can promote The Merchant Solutions as much or as little as you wish.
No Selling
We will handle the sales process from the second your referral submits their application till the time the merchant is with The Merchant Solutions.
Add More Value
Add The Merchant Solutions web site link on your web site.
Apply now
It's easy to see if you qualify for our marketing partnership program. Upon receipt of your email inquiry to relations@themerchantsolutions.com a Merchant Solutions representative will contact you within 1 day or call 888-707-2836.
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